OPS245 Weekly Schedule

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Note: Each professor will indicate the due dates for labs, tests and assignments for their sections. This schedule is a general guideline for week-by-week content.
Week Objectives and Tasks Videos Labs
Week 1:
5 - 8 september
(monday is a holiday)
Course introduction Andrew's Course Introduction
Andrew's Prep for Labs
Prep for labs
Week 2:
11 - 15 september
Installing Linux servers, package management
  • Debian DVD install for server1
  • Debian minimal install for server2
  • Cloning virtual machines
  • Online open source software repositories
Andrew's Lab 1 Lab 1
Week 3:
18 - 22 september
Software installation & archives
  • System directories
  • Apt
  • Adding extra repositories
  • wget, tar
Andrew's Lab 2 Lab 2
Week 4:
25 - 29 september
User management
  • Adding & removing users
  • Home directories, /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow
  • File permissions and ownership
  • root, su, sudo
Andrew's Lab 3 Lab 3
Week 5:
2 - 6 october
Storage management
  • Mounting storage devices
  • Working with GPT partitions
  • Running out of space
  • LVM overview
Andrew's Lab 4 Lab 4
Week 6:
10 - 13 october
(monday is a holiday)
Assignment 1
Assignment 1
Week 7:
16 - 20 october
  • Midterm test
Study Week:

23 - 27 october

Week 8:
30 october - 3 november
  • Adding physical volumes
  • Creating new logical volumes
  • Extending the size of a logical volume
  • Migrating logical volumes, removing physical volumes
Andrew's Lab 5 Lab 5
Week 9:
6 - 10 november
  • IP, subnet, gateway, DNS
  • Basic network troubleshooting steps
  • ip command, ping, ss, telnet, nmap
  • Creating new virtual networks
  • Reconfiguring the network interface in Debian
Andrew's Lab 6 Lab 6
Week 10:
13 - 17 november
  • Software can't fix bad hardware security
  • Password policies
  • Inspecting logs
  • SSH keys
Andrew's Lab 7 Lab 7
Week 11:
20 - 24 november
  • Introduction
Week 12:
27 november - 1 december
  • Practical examples
Lab 8
Week 13:
4 - 8 december
Assignment 2 Assignment 2
Week 14:
11 - 13 december
(wednesday is last day)