OPS145 Introduction Newversion

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Welcome to OPS145, the beginning of the OPS stream. This course (if you take it seriously) can be the start of a great career: both challenging and rewarding.


Unless someone else is using these materials (which they're welcome to do): my name is Andrew, and you can find my schedule here. Typically my labs aren't full, so you're welcome to come to any of them. If you're planning to come to a lab for another course: you might want to check in advance to make sure I don't have a test or that that class is cancelled.

Other than the labs or the hallways between them: the only way to get in touch with me is via email. I'm reasonably good at replying to email, especially if I understand what you're asking, and what you've done to try and figure out the answer yourself.

I like people who work hard, and dedicate themselves to whatever they chose to take on. If that's you, or if that's who you strive to become: we're going to get along well, and I'll do my best to help you succeed.

If you just want a passing grade: that's your business, I have some minimal requirements for passing the course you'll want to review. And when I say "minimal" I mean minimal, not negotiable.

Course materials

There is no textbook for this course. The materials you need to start with are on this wiki website. When working without my help you'll often find yourself using a search engine to find other useful websites. Feel free to use them. That's what you'll do when you start working in this industry.

You do need some hardware:

  1. A PC powerful enough to run VirtualBox, with a couple virtual machines at the same time. In practical terms that means any modern PC with at least 16GB of RAM. It can be running Windows or Linux (any version of Windows or Linux is the same for our purposes). A Chromebook or tablet will not be powerful enough. If you insist on using an Apple computer: you may, but you'll have to figure out yourself how to get virtualization to work on it. If you really, really, really can't afford a computer and you want to use a lab machine at school: you may, but be prepared for all sorts of unforseen problems which you'll have no control over.
  2. A portable SSD drive with a USB3 (type A) connection. This is useful if you're using your own machine in case your computer breaks, you can plug in your work into another computer. It is required if you're using the lab machines, since no data you create will be preserved on those machines. You're also likely to need a portable drive for other courses, which is fine as long as it has enough space.

Prerequisite skills

In first semester I'll assume that you know nothing of Linux, you've never seen a terminal before, and you barely understand what a computer is. That's fine, but you'll have to stay alert and absorb as many fundamentals as you can, especially during your first year.

I'll also assume (based on past experience) that you don't know how to learn, how to think, how to communicate, or how to work hard - because you never had to before. That's something you'll have to find the motivation to fix yourself. I encourage you to do your best to find that motivation. It's not too late, and the potential difference in the quality of the rest of your life will be enormous.

If you're trying to go through this full time program while you're working full time (or even part time): good luck to you, but there is very little chance you'll more than a rubber stamp to show for your years of education. There much more to learn than there are hours available in a day/month/year. So unless you're taking a break because your brain is about to crash from overload: you're cheating yourself of the opportunity to get ahead of your peers.

Course structure

You have four hours of class per week in this course. Generally speaking I'll spend two of those hours talking, and the other two hours helping you get your work done.

I encourage you to resist the temptation to skip class. I don't keep track of attendance (except on test days), but you will get more out of the course if you make yourself go to lectures to listen to me, and force yourself to go to the labs even if you don't have any questions to ask nor any friends to hang out with.

One day I might decide to record videos of my lectures, but that's not a priority for me right now.

The rest of your program