OPS145 Introduction Newversion

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Welcome to OPS145, the beginning of the OPS stream. This course (if you take it seriously) can be the start of a great career: both challenging and rewarding.

In first semester I'll assume that you know nothing of Linux, you've never seen a terminal before, and you barely understand what a computer is.


Unless someone else is using these materials (which they're welcome to do): my name is Andrew, and you can find my schedule here. Typically my labs aren't full, so you're welcome to come to any of them. If you're planning to come to a lab from another course: you might want to check in advance to make sure I don't have a test or that class is cancelled.

I like people who work hard, and dedicate themselves to whatever they chose to take on. If that's you, or if that's who you strive to become: we're going to get along well, and I'll do my best to help you succeed.

If you just want a passing grade: that's your business, I have some minimal requirements for passing the course. And when I say "minimal" I mean anything less than that and you'll fail the course.