OPS445 Prep

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Learning outcomes

Once upon a time people read books in order to learn things. At one point a particular type of learning book became popular "XYZ for dummies", or "Learn XYZ in 21 days". It was the time when learning was particularly important to me, because I was at the beginning of choosing my career (which turned out to be programming and system administration) and I knew I had a lot to learn.

I read a number of such books, and despite my insecurities: it became apparent that:

  • No useful skill can be mastered by a dummy.
  • You're not going to actually learn a programming language in 21 days, unless you're already a programmer.

Times have changed. Books were replaced by the internet, and now it's hard to find anything on the internet that wasn't AI-generated. But the bullets above are still my position today. As a professional in the field who worked with many technologies and hundreds of people (including some unbelievable geniuses): I assure you that if this is your first course in programming: you will not be able to honestly call yourself a programmer by the end of it. That doesn't necessarily mean it's useless, it can be a good start on a decade-long self-development journey.

Here's what you can hope to get out this course:

  • Understand that a computer is a tool, like a hammer. It's more complicated than a hammer, but it's a tool, and it will do whatever you can make it do.
  • Hopefully start to distance yourself from the idea that a computer will do your thinking for you, despite how impressive you might think ChatGPT is.
  • Learn how to get a computer to do what you want it to do, rather than you doing what the computer tells you to do.
  • Become familiar with universal concepts understood and used by all programmers:
    • Values
    • Variables
    • References
    • Flow control statements (conditions, loops)
    • Functions
    • Data structures
    • Classes
    • Libraries
  • Write simple programs in Python using those concepts.
  • Maybe even read someone else's Python code.

Prerequisite skills

  • Two ways to go through the course:
    • Easy way to get your mark
    • Hard way to learn something
  • Prerequisite skills
    • none
  • Delivery mode
  • Workstation setup